What Does ‘Halal’ Really Mean?
Nowadays, many of us are in search of the healthiest foods. We want to ensure what we eat is grown, raised, or prepared with care for the highest level of nutrition. A good way to achieve that is to eat “Halal.” Have you ever seen labels reading ‘Halal’ and wondered what it meant?
Halal simply means “lawful”or “permitted”in arabic and, as it pertains to food, refers to what Muslims can eat, what ingredients are allowed in meals, and how animals must be slaughtered to guarantee lawful consumption.
Because of the healthier processes and requirements of slaughter, everyone can eat Halal food. Because of the care involved in the raising and killing of animals to be used for Muslim meals, even your health will benefit from eating Halal meat. Another way to achieve healthy eating is by avoiding what God commands us not to eat.