Protect The Rights Of Animals, Don’t Export live

PRESS RELEASE   7 March  2020  PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ANIMALS, DON’T EXPORT LIVE ANIMALS – MJCHT     “The rights of the animals must be respected” says Shaykh Achmat Sedick, Director of Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust (MJCHT).  Animal welfare organisations and halal certification bodies such as the MJCHT have raised the alarm on South Africa’s live export of animals by sea for the purposes […]


Melrose Does Not Contain Bacon

MUSLIM JUDICIAL COUNCIL HALAL TRUST (MJCHT)  PRESS RELEASE   2 March 2020  MELROSE DOES NOT CONTAIN BACON The MJC Halaal Trust (MJCHT) has certified the production of Melrose, as halal.  This means that the entire production line from A-Z has been confirmed as halal-compliant.  It further implies that any additive, coloring or flavoring, which is synthetically produced, is halal-compliant, as […]


Debunking myths related to ‘Halaal’

A recent article entitled “Christians war on Halaal” – published 01 April 2018 – made certain claims pertaining to the Halaal certification Industry in South Africa and gross misconceptions on Islam. The following article is meant to debunk these misconceptions and educate the non-Muslim community on the role of Halaal certification on the economic development […]