Generally, one cannot separate “contaminated” from “haram” commodities, consumables or liquids because the two concepts are synonymous and interrelated. In order to apply oneself appropriately to these two concepts, one requires an in depth understanding of what to do or not to do congruently, and relevant to the two concepts.
Halal Animal Slaughtering Standards
Generally, ‘slaughtering’ in this Islāmic throat-slitting guideline booklet implies to cut, slit or to sever four essential vessels in the anterior part of the throat in the animal’s neck, with the intention of killing the animal1 for its meat. We, therefore, prefer using the concept ‘slaughtering’ and ‘throat-slitting’ interchangeably with the same meaning or purpose. […]
MJCHT Hygiene Standards
Universal Hygiene practices are inextricably synonymous / related to Islāmic Hygiene requirements. Hygiene is an essential criterion for confirmation of ḥalāl certification, especially in the ḥalāl industry. As a health measuring tool, hygiene ensures ḥalāl compliance or ḥalāl control when dealing with (healthy, balanced) diets, catering, food, drink and other eating habits within an “Islāmic […]
Hygiene Guidelines
Universal Hygiene practices are inextricably linked to Islāmic Hygiene requirements. Hygiene is an essential criterion for confirmation of ḥalal certification, especially in the ḥalal industry. As a health measuring tool, hygiene ensures ḥalal compliance or ḥalal control when dealing with (healthy, balanced) diets, catering, food, drink and other eating habits within an “Islāmic Ethos Framework”. […]
Halal Traceability
[social_button button=”facebook” furl=”” flayout=”button_count” fwidth=”150″ faction=”like” fcolorsheme=”light”] “Traceability” is derived from its verb-form, ‘trace’, which is defined as ascertaining the successive stages in the development or progress of something, etc.; or to follow, locate, or discover the course or trail of (a cause, for example) by searching or researching the evidence. “Traceability” is therefore a […]
Basic Principles of Halal and Haram
[social_button button=”facebook” furl=”” flayout=”button_count” fwidth=”150″ faction=”like” fcolorsheme=”light”] The Prophet Muḥammad (s.a.w.s.) said: Whatever Almighty Allah declared as lawful and permissible (halal), it is halal. And whatever He declared as forbidden and impermissible (haram), it is haram. Whatever He is silent on is allowed as a favour (Tirmidhi: hadith no. 1728). What Almighty Allah has made lawful and permissible (halal) in […]